buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title FullStack Builder - Create Modern Web Apps style.css header class hero nav div FullStack Builder class logo div class nav-links a Components href #components a Templates href #templates a Documentation href docs.html a Get Started class cta-button href #start main section id hero-section class hero-content h1 Build Full Stack Apps Faster p Create production-ready applications with all essential components in minutes div class cta-group a Start Building class primary-button href #start a View Demo class secondary-button href #demo section id components class features-grid h2 Essential Components div class component-card h3 API Gateway p Secure endpoint management with built-in authentication div class component-card h3 Database Layer p Flexible data storage with automatic migrations div class component-card h3 Frontend Framework p Responsive UI components with state management div class component-card h3 Backend Services p Scalable microservices architecture section id templates class templates-showcase h2 Ready-to-Use Templates div class template-grid div class template-card h3 E-Commerce p Complete shopping platform with payment integration div class template-card h3 Blog Platform p Content management with SEO optimization div class template-card h3 Admin Dashboard p Data visualization and user management div class template-card h3 Social Network p Real-time features and user interactions footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Documentation href /docs a GitHub href a Community href /community p Built for developers, by developers script.js